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Donald’s Voting Record

Donald participated in 96.27% of all floor votes in 2020.

Organizational Scorecards:

2020 Republican Liberty Caucus of CO: 27%

2019 Republican Liberty Caucus of CO: 13%
2019 Colorado Union of Taxpayers: 12%

2019 ACLU Score: 100%
2019 CEA Score: 86%
2019 Planned Parenthood Score: 100%

Key Votes in 2020:

Voted “YES” on HB20-1065 – “Free” Drug Needle Exchange Program
Voted “YES” on HB20-1427 – Massive Tax Hikes on Tobacco Products
Voted “YES” on SB20-007 – $11M in new spending to enable drug users
Voted “YES” on SB20-163 – Restricts School Immunization Exemptions
Voted “YES” on SB20-204 – Carbon Tax Disguised as a “fee”
Voted “YES” on SB20-224 – Prohibits Landlords from Asking About Immigration Status

Key Votes in 2019:

Voted “YES” on HB19-1262 – Funding for Polis’ “free” all-day Kindergarten

His Opponent

Logan Taggart is the Republican candidate challenging Donald Valdez in 2020.

Logan is a Colorado Native, a Christian and a Constitutional Conservative running for office because he cares deeply about the land, resources and people of Colorado.

He believes in fiscal conservancy, would work to overturn Colorado’s Red Flag Law, and stands for school choice.

District Demographics

Registered Voter Total: 55,592
25.3% Republican (14,073)
39.1% Democrat (21,749)
33.8% Unaffiliated (18,772)
1.8% Other (998)

Actual Voting Behavior:
19.9% Strong Republican (11,066)
9.3% Weak Republican (5,153)
24.7% Swing Voter (13,733)
13.4% Weak Democrat (7,444)
32.7% Strong Democrat (18,196)

2020 Primary Statistics

Republican Ballots Cast: 8,857
Democrat Ballots Cast: 13,275

Republican margin -19.9%.

2016 & 2018 District Results

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